Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Hometown & C'est La Vie

-Right now I am back in my sleepy, simple, (kind-of) hometown, Fayetteville. It is a quiet town. Not much to offer for a girl my age. That is why I don't really plan on telling my peers that I am in town. I am, however, staying with and spending time with my close family. Now that my summer job is over I retreated here for some r & r. While here I plan to check out the new library in town, catch up on some zzzz'z, play tennis with my cousins, decopauge my old dresser with maps, and work on my tan.

-I have just finished reading this charming book about an American journalist who relocates in Paris upon losing her husband to cancer. The author, Suzy Gershman is the lady behind the famous Born to Shop book series. In the book Suzy tries to adjust to her new life by first renting an apartment then spending the next year decorating it. As a fellow shopgirl I loved reading from this perspective. Her days were spent frequenting flea markets shopping for unique pieces or sitting in cafes for hours on end journaling and sketching. Oh to be Parisian!

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