Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New Orleans Christmas

As soon as finals wrap up, I will be spending the majority of the month of December in New Orleans staying with my Dad, his wife, and their two beautiful children. Even though this is will be my first Christmas to spend without my Tennessee family, my siblings and my mother I am still quite looking forward to it. I have found tons of neat festivals and shows I hope to check out during my stay. I will stay busy exploring the city's food, reading, walking, and there will be plenty of time for Magazine St. shopping! Here's a photo of my father & I on Burbon St. Me, with a "Huge Ass Beer." So ladylike, I know.

"Missing you, New Orleans

Ahhh, New Orleans. You lusty, insatiable thing. You have a piece of my heart always, it turns out. Not that I should have been surprised.

There are places that I know without ever being there that I will love. They are inevitably places of history, places of culture, places of tradition, places of music, places of food, places of art, places that are no one's but their own. On paper, I could check each one of these items off for New Orleans. But walking around its streets, shoulder to shoulder with its people, well that's a different thing entirely. The real deal."

Such a wonderful description of N.O.L.A.
by The Freckled Citizen (one of my new favorite blogs!)

This reminds me of my mother.

- found via shop SCAD

Tuesday, December 1, 2009