Monday, September 28, 2009


dreaming of Titiribi, Colombia today....

Thursday, September 24, 2009



Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dinner Plans

High hopes
I was wearing some of my favorite pieces.
We met Jacque Imos, Upperline, and Dick & Jenny’s-
No luck.
We drove by, peered in, and went on.
This night’s jaunt ended at La Crepe Nanou
-just off of Magazine St.
Walking distance from the house.
Dimly lit.
Maybe ten tables in the whole place.
Maroon colored velvet curtains covered all potential entryways for light.
Red wine- no i.d. necessary.

I like that.

The tattooed waitress served us joy.
Much needed, after the year I’ve had.

Friday, September 11, 2009


After much personal debate I finally let myself order a pair of the famous, durable Chacos. is my go to site for things of this sort, such great deals. The sandals came in the mail today. I look forward to many kayak, canoe, and hiking trips with these new friends. I also look forward to much relief when making the long walk home from a tiring (maybe rainy) day of classes. Welcome to my life, Chacos.

Say a prayer.

My heart goes out to the families of victims of 9/11. God bless.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This is a photo of my roommates, Lindsey and Katie, & I.
I love them both so much but we are all very, very different
people with different hobbies, beliefs, hopes, and dreams.
We have about 12 more months left in this apartment's lease.
This next year will be an interesting journey with these ladies.