Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My weekend

This weekend brought me lazy days spent at the university pool, evenings cooking with Katie and Natalie and lounging on their front porch, a sunburn, late nights socializing and drinking with my girlfriends, an early morning yard sale trip that turned out to be completely unsuccessful, a delicious $1 hot dog from the newly opened Earth Fare, some fruits and a take home burrito purchased at the new Earth Fare (5% of the proceeds from their first 3 days open went to Beardsley Community Farm, yeah!), a catch up session with my very-intoxicated older bother- John, a vintage guide book on Scottish plaids, a single wooden place mat purchased on sale for the new apartment, a cold San Pelligrino-limonata flavored at Tomato Head restaurant, a sunburn, lots of Macaroni Grill brand-White Zinfandel, and a wonderful, inspirational finish to the book I've been loving; Eat, Pray, Love.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am currently reading (and loving) this book! I wanted to pick it up years ago but never got around to it. I am at the point where the author has just left Rome (aaahhhh...) and is now headed to India.

Lately I have been enjoying listening to the beautiful voice of the Russian born Jewish-American singer Regina Spektor.

Monday, June 8, 2009

summer job

I am hoping for a relaxing, enjoyable weekend. The week days have been particularly exhausting lately. I am an Orientation Leaders for the University and we work roughly 6 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. M-F. This summer I have dedicated my time to welcoming students to the University of Tennessee. I love my summer job. I love the diverse, incredible people that I work with but it is hard to stay energentic with the long days we work. So we get paid to mingle and chat, and answer students (and their parents) questions.

dorm room

This is a DORM room, yes, A DORM ROOM. It is currently home to Maximilian Sinsteden, a senior at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. It was featured in New York Magazine in the Home Design section last month. I love the layers of oriental rugs, the green walls, the random unmatching artwork on the walls, his colorful tie collection, and his mini bar tray table. THIS will be my new inspiration!

My mother. Soon to be 50 years old/young is presumably the most interesting and mysterious person I have ever known. I don’t spend much time with her these days nor do I even speak to her on a regular basis. Nevertheless, the moments we do spend together I truly treasure. Tonight we enjoyed Indian food and Heineken light together. It was so nice to catch up and share stories with each other. She talked of purchasing a “lucky” Chinese bamboo plant for me. Ironically I purchased on just last week when my friends and I look a day trip to IKEA in Atlanta.
I’ll admit that I, like everyone else I know, enjoy spending hours in IKEA wondering through its many home decor departments and loving almost every inexpensive-yet-stylish piece of furniture. However, I also feel that stuffing your home with their items disguises your true personality and distinction as a person and as a home. Maybe that’s just me. Later on I told my mother of a necklace that I’ve had my eye on for nearly a year now. It is a delicate fortune cookie charm on a simple chain. I found it in a lovely shop in Market Square called Bliss. I was going to treat myself to it when I got my first summer paycheck. My mother left the room and came back with a cardboard white jewelry box that, when opened, revealed a small silver fortune cookie charm that my mother had bought for herself just days ago. She gave it to me and I had the perfect silver chain for it already. It is now resting on my neck and I love it even more than I would have loved the one from Bliss.

The Park

A day at the park


I was elected to play Santa in my sorority's version of "Elf" for Carnicus-a skit competition between campus organizations. Oh, the things I do for Delta Zeta. We won 3rd place.

A Mosaic


My sister Natalie has just finished high school. She was the president of her student body so she was given the daunting task of having to speak at her graduation. Her speech was smart, personal, and charming. She is a beautiful and talented young lady and I am so happy that she will be joing our brother, John and I in Knoxville this fall. It is amazing how my sister and I hardly ever get to spend time together yet even though so much time passes by we remain so much alike. I miss her everday.

My Poetry Professor

Take Off, Marcel Brouwers

You ask me what I will do when you leave the earth. The best I can say, by way of comfort for all concerned, Is that the contrails will each be a strand of your hair. How else to let it be known that nothing is ever known. At each baggage check, the guards unload our packing; At thirty thousand feet, we already begin to feel lighter And the sun looking over the tops of cumulous clouds Recognizes you. Science dictates that mass stays constant At these heights, but you’ve given up food and the cancer Will have none of it. You’ve taken to twirling a rosary Passed down from your mother and all of her history. The wood’s faded from age and leaves your fingerprints On my arm as you take in all of the Grand Canyon below. We squeeze our knuckles blue during each descent, and kiss. This hollow assurance that landing happens is like me Saying, I’ll be fine; everything will be just alright. Your going only means that some of us are staying Somewhere. These new planes display screens that chart Where we are at all times, and how long it takes To shrink distances. With our runways focused, Your breaths, your memory, are always up for grabs.

DUBLIN, summer 2010, maybe...


“ To let go isn’t to forget, not think about, or ignore. It doesn’t have feelings of anger, jealousy or regret. Letting go isn’t winning or losing. It’s not about pride, it’s not about obsessing or dwelling on the past. It isn’t about loss and it’s not defeat. To let go is to cherish memories, but to overcome them and move on. Letting go is accepting. Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strengh to keep moving. Letting go is growing up… ”


I do not think anyone will read this..but it is a convenient way to journal.